Friday, October 23, 2009

Learn How to Talk Dirty - How to Make it Easy!

Learn How to Talk Dirty - How to Make it Easy!
By Duncan Roberts

Do you want to know how to learn to talk dirty the easy way? Well it isn't rocket science, but it can be nerve wracking if you've never taken this particular little walk on the wild side.

One thing you need to ask yourself at the beginning to help you settle into the right frame of mind is 'WHY' are you thinking about how to learn to talk dirty?

Is it because it's something you really want to give a shot at, or is it something your guy is pressuring you to learn?

Any kind of new sexual boundary you want to explore, it should never be just because your guy is pressuring you and asking you to do it. It should always be something you yourself are interested in trying, otherwise you are just creating a recipe for disaster within your relationship.

You will end up resenting each other, him because it's like pulling teeth to get you to try something new, and you because you will feel he is forcing you to do something you're not ready to do. An unpleasant situation no matter which way you look at it!

So, any new sexual adventures you decide to undertake should always be something you mutually agree on and are into trying. All of that being said, if how to learn to talk dirty is still a burning question rolling around in your mind, there are many resource you can look at to help you learn, without completely embarrassing yourself.

You can do a bit of online research on talking dirty, for one thing. There are hundreds of self help websites on bringing the sexual spice back into a relationship, and talking dirty is one of the top ways on the list. You can, of course, watch a few adult movies to get some ideas, but I wouldn't recommend that too much, as most are very over exaggerated, and might wind up only making you more nervous about the whole scenario. (Also, it can be really hard to keep a straight face and not burst out laughing when watching such films as they are so badly made - even the big budget porn films seem comical!)

Another, and better, idea is to read a steamy novel, and draw some ideas from that to apply to your own lover's romp.

Another well worn and age old method is to get some advice by asking your girlfriends how they do it! Although you are more than likely going to get a wide range of do's and don'ts if you go that route, as every girl has a different take on talking dirty to a guy.

Some key points that apply to every situation and relationship though.

Always remember to be yourself and do and say what comes naturally to you.

Don't force yourself to say something that makes you uncomfortable, and give yourself permission to be a little silly with the scenario.

You and your guy should agree not to make fun of each other, and just see what happens.

It's OK to laugh and enjoy yourself.

The idea is to bring some spice to your bedroom, and it doesn't have to be X rated spice for it to be effective, nor is it hard to get the ball rolling.

In fact, thinking about it, how to learn to talk dirty is one class where you will always receive an A for effort! Make sure you use excellent 'revision guide' information at

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